Sunday, September 5, 2010

Just a few of the many

just a few of my vintage tablecloths... - I have bazillions more....


  1. Do you REALLY have a bazillion of those wonderful tablecloths..fabulous! It seems I have to try so hard to find "usable' condition of these that are also AFFORDABLE..any for sale???
    I have managed to hold onto one that is between good and perfect condition..use it regularly on the breakfast table and recently splurged on one at a shop where I rent space/co-op; It was reduced and has a mix of red and pink floral..reminds me..I must set the table with it and post a picture on my blog to "share"

  2. Im still learning how to use my darn blog lol.. I just now found your comment a month later.. wow.. Im sorry .. I promise I wasnt ignoring you.- but.. I might be exagerating on a "bazillion" lol.. I do have about 50 .. give or take a few. I love them.. and the stains dont bother me at all.. I use every one of them...... :)
